
  • IMeta


className?: string

Custom classname to be used for the field

config?: IFieldConfig

Configuration information of the field

dependencies?: IDependency

Field relationships/dependencies with other fields

displayName?: string

Display name of the field

displayProps?: IDisplayProps

Layout properties of the field

displayType?: string

Display type of the field.

error?: {
    errorMsg: string;
    hasError: boolean;

Validation errors with the field

Type declaration

  • errorMsg: string
  • hasError: boolean
events?: IEvent

Events supported by the field

icons?: IIconConfig

Icons used by the field


isArray?: boolean

For future usage

isDisabled?: boolean

Marks a field as disabled

isReadonly?: boolean

Marks as field as readonly

labelPlacement?: string
options?: IOption[]

List of options available for the field (e.g-> dropdown, select etc)

placeholder?: string

Placeholder to be used in the field

themeConfig?: IThemeFieldConfig

Theme configuration information for the field

type?: string

values - hidden (whether field is to be hidden) value - section (whether field is a section)

url?: string
validation?: IValidation

Validation details for the field

value?: string | number | boolean

Value of the field

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